Community Connector Error: Conflicting Selections in Connector Configuration

Community Connector Error: Conflicting Selections in Connector Configuration

This article will help with the following error:

Error: Conflicting selections in Google Business Profile connector configuration.


You have made selections from both Accounts and Individual Locations in the connector configuration screen. This error will also occur if you have not selected any accounts or locations.
In this example, selections are made in both Accounts and Individual Locations. This will result in errors.


If you are still in the connector configuration screen, simply deselect either Accounts or the Individual Locations you have chosen. 
You will continue to receive this error if no selection is made.

If you are in the report, you must edit the connection.
Select Resource then Manage Added Data Sources.

Click Edit next to the data source that is causing the error.

Click Edit Connection.

Make selections from only one drop-down then reconnect.

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    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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