Error: You are not part of this organization, please check your access token or organization ID

Error: You are not part of this organization, please check your access token or organization ID

This article will assist you with the following error:

You are not part of this organization, please check your access token or organization ID


When sharing a Looker Studio report with others, they may receive this error if the report's data source has its data credentials set to Viewer's Credentials. The data credentials for the data source must be set to Owner's Credentials. 


In Looker Studio, go to the Resource menu and click Manage added data sources.

Open the data source your report is using.

Click on Data credentials.

Change the setting from Viewer's Credentials to Owner's Credentials. Then click Update.

Your report will now be viewable by those who have been granted access.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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