Error: "You have no "tweets" to report on" or "This ads account does not have access to tweets"

Error: "You have no "tweets" to report on" or "This ads account does not have access to tweets"

This article will assist you with the following errors:

You have no "tweets" to report on. Please check your Twitter Analytics account to make sure you still have access.

This ads account does not have access to tweets


You need to set up an X (Twitter) Ads account in order to use the X (Twitter) Analytics connector. 


Create an X Ads account for your X account.

1. Make sure your X account profile contains a profile picture, cover photo, bio, website URL, and location. This is necessary in order for your account to be eligible for X Ads.

2. Sign in to the X Ads portal and set up your account. 

3. Click Start a campaign to create your first campaign and ad, using any settings for the objective.

4. Add your billing information. This is required for setup and you can stop the campaign after signing up. Then click Next.

5. In the X Ads portal, go to your Account Settings.

6. Go to Tax Information and provide your tax status and contact information.

7. Open the menu in the upper right portal and click Edit access to account.

8. Click Edit access and check Can compose promotable tweets ​. Remember to click Save Changes.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.