Facebook Insights Data Connector User Guide

Facebook Insights Data Connector User Guide

The following article is a guide to automating reports with your Facebook Insights connector. It includes information on available data as well as currently unavailable data and tips on how to get the most out of your Facebook Insights reports. To begin creating reports with your Facebook Insights connector, you will need at least one Facebook Insights account as well as access to Looker Studio or Google Sheets.

Available Data

  1. Key Performance Indicators - Total Page Followers, New Followers, Post Reach, Post Engagement, Page Likes.
  2. Your Page - Discovery: Post reach, Post engagement, New Page likes, New Page Followers. Interactions: Reactions, Comments, Shares, Link clicks. Audience by age and gender.
  3. Posts - Reach, Clicks, Likes, and Engagement by Post, Published, Type, and Targeting.
  4. Audience - Total people who viewed by age and gender.
  5. Reviews - Review Rating by Review Creation Date, Reviewer Name, Review Text, and Recommendation Type.
  6. Location - Total people who viewed by city, total people who viewed by country.
  7. Complete List of Fields.

API Limitations

  1. Scorecards for Reach and Frequency - Facebook's API does not currently aggregate Reach and Frequency data. These metrics are only accurate when paired with a date dimension.
  2. Post Limits - Facebook’s API will retrieve data on your most recent 100 posts this year only.
  3. Demographic metrics - Age, gender, location, and other demographic information are only available if there is data for 100 or more users .
  4. Demographic date requirements - Demographic reports are delayed by 3 days and are lifetime. Reports that include the most recent 3 days will display "No Data."
  5. Video Posts - Only the Page admin can request source data for videos. The API will only retrieve video data for the past year.
  6. Tagged Posts - You will only be able to view tagged posts if the Page that tagged you is considered by Facebook to be authentic.
  7. Privacy - Pages may conceal post data from accounts that do not have permission to see them. User information may also be concealed.
  8. Like Counts - total_count is an approximate count of likes and is not exact. This value may vary slightly depending on users' privacy settings.
  9. Messages - Facebook’s API currently does not support message data.
  10. Actions on Page - Actions on Page metrics are not currently supported by Facebook’s API.
  11. Story - Story metrics are not currently supported by Facebook’s API.
  12. Orders - Order metrics are not currently supported by Facebook’s API.
  13. Realtime data - Realtime data is not available.
  14. Custom Fields - Custom fields are not available.
  15. Page Likes by Age and Gender - Fields for page likes by age and gender have been deprecated by Facebook, and Facebook does not currently offer an alternative to these fields.
  16. New account delay - After adding a new account in Facebook, it is necessary to wait 24 hours before using this account in your PMA reports.
  17. Pages Lifetime table delay - Data in the 29 fields included in the Pages Lifetime table is delayed by 48 hours. You can view affected metrics by searching for the Pages Lifetime table under Facebook Insights in our Schema Explorer.

Connection Requirements

You will need different types of access depending on how you manage your page.
  1. Facebook's classic page management tools require Administrator access.
  2. If you use Business Manager to manage your page, you will need Page Editor access.
  3. If you use New Page Experience to manage your page, you will need at least partial access .
Make sure all of the access settings highlighted below are selected:

The first time you connect

To add the correct Facebook account, you must be logged in to that account in your browser. Open an Incognito window in your browser to log into the correct Facebook account before connecting with Power My Analytics.

Include "today" when you request data upon your first connection. This will enable us to collect current data for lifetime metrics like Reach .


Demographic data (age, gender, location) and Reach are lifetime and cannot be backfilled. We begin to collect and save the data from the first time you create a report with us.
All other data can be backfilled up to one year.

Get the most out of your Facebook Insights reports

Show multiple pages in one report

On the connector configuration page, select Allow "page" to be modified in reports .

Select all of the pages you would like to show and compare in your report. All of the pages managed by your Facebook account should be available.

Select any chart and use the Parameters drop-down menu to select the page you wish to report on. 

Create multiple tables to compare page performance.

Show Daily New Followers

Use our Google Sheets extension to calculate new followers and see this metric that is not included in Facebook's API.


Follow the instructions in our Troubleshooting Facebook guide to get your reports working again.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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