How to Connect to Criteo

How to Connect to Criteo

This guide will walk you through the process of getting the credentials you need to connect to Criteo with Power My Analytics.

Before Getting Started You'll Need

Creating new Criteo credentials

Create a project and log in with your admin account. Click Start Building then follow the steps on the screen.

Click Create a new app under the project.

You will be prompted to create a New app project.
  1. Type Power My Analytics into the name field.
  2. Type Marketing Solutions into the description field.
  3. Upload our logo into the image field so you can easily identify the app later.
  4. Click Create App.

Click Create New Key to download the new Client ID and Client Secret.

Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.

You will need these to connect to Criteo from your Hub. Make sure to save the text file as Criteo will only share the Client Secret once. 

Under Service, select Marketing Solutions and click Save. You will not be able to complete the next step until this is done.


Under Authorization grant Read access for all scopes and click Save

Click Activate app at the top right corner of the page then Activate on the pop-up message.

Click Generate new URL and copy it to your clipboard.

Paste the link into a new tab or browser window then authorize the app with your portfolio.

Add Advertisers

To add advertisers, or if you do not see any advertisers listed in the configuration screen, follow these steps.
Make sure you have granted Read access for all scopes in Criteo.

Then Activate App again.

Connect to Criteo in Your Hub

Select Sources from the left navigation pane and then click +New Data SourceSelect Criteo from the gallery.

Name the source and select your preferred currency. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from the text file Criteo provided.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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