How do I manage my data sources and accounts?

Manage and Remove Accounts

This article will show you how to manage and remove your connections and teach you how it will affect your bill and reports.

How to Remove an Account

1. Begin at your Hub. Click Sources on the left navigation panel. Click the blue arrow icon next to the account you wish to remove.

2. Click Remove Connection.

When Will My Bill Be Reduced?

Any usage of any connectors during a billing period will be billed for the entire month and will not be prorated. Your bill will reflect the reduction in the first full billing period after the account(s) or connector(s) were removed.

What if the Account I Disconnected Reappears in My Sources?

If you have included the data connector in your Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Excel or other data destinations, such as Google Analytics, it can be re-enabled whenever the report refreshes. 

Make sure to remove the integration in Google Analytics. Click on Google Analytics under Exports in the left navigation panel. Then click on the red trash can icon to remove the import.

You can also select the account in your Hub and block it.

Or, if you do not need the data source for any accounts, remove the entire data source by clicking the red Disconnect icon on the Sources page.

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