Instagram Insights Data Connector User Guide

Instagram Insights Data Connector User Guide

Our Instagram Insights connector provides a wide range of important data that can make reporting easy. This article will tell you everything that you need to know about how to get the most out of your Instagram Insights reports.

Available Data

  1. Key Performance Indicators - Followers, Impressions, Reach, and Clicks
  2. Post Engagement - breakdowns by day of the week and hour of the day
  3. Post Reporting - image thumbnails and captions from the original post will show in your report as well as data for Reach, Impressions, Clicks, Likes, Saves, and Video Views
  4. Interactions by type - including Profile Views, Follows, Website Clicks, Email Contacts, Phone Call Clicks, Get Directions Clicks, and Text Message Clicks
  5. Reach and Impressions over time - daily data beginning 24 hours after the first time you connect
  6. Stories Insights - image thumbnails and captions from the stories will show in your report as well as data for Reach, Impressions, Tap Back, Tap Forward, and Replies
  7. Demographics - by country, age, and gender
  8. Complete List of Fields.
Instagram has a full list of available metrics on their developer guide for your reference.

API Limitations

  1. Instagram has a full list of their API's limitations on their developer guide.
  2. As of January 2024, Engagement and Post Engagement are no longer available through Instagram's API. Instagram recommends using Total Interactions in its place.
  3. Reach and engagement data reported through the API are organic only and do not include paid reach and engagement.
  4. PMA's Reach numbers are a total of the daily sums, which does not exclude repeat visitors. The Instagram Insights API does not send accurate numbers for this field and Meta has indicated this will not be changed.
  5. Lifetime metrics will gather data in 24 hour periods that end at UTC-7.
  6. Follower count and demographic data are only available for users with more than 100 followers.
  7. Instagram’s API will return null data instead of 0 where data does not exist.
  8. Demographic metrics are only available for the top 45 performers as measured by follower count.
  9. Demographic metric calculations will only include followers if they have demographic data. Demographic metric sums will therefore be lower than follower sums.
  10. Audience metrics cannot be reported by since or until.
  11. There is a 48 hour data delay.
  12. Realtime data - Realtime data is not available.
  13. Custom fields - Custom fields are not available.
  14. Album Carousel shares - Shares are not supported for album carousels. 
  15. Stories data may not align perfectly with what you see on your Instagram dashboard. Instagram's API only keeps Stories for 24 hours and the data may not align perfectly at the time of retrieval.

Connection Requirements

For a successful connection, an Instagram Business or Creator account is required. The account must use Facebook authentication and not have age or other restrictions applied. The account must be linked to an active Facebook Page.

To switch to a Business or Creator account, go to Settings > Account and select Switch to professional account.

The First Time You Connect

To add the correct Instagram account, you must be logged into that account in your browser. Open an Incognito window in your browser to log into the correct Instagram account before connecting with Power My Analytics.

Reels Reporting

The Instagram API now supports reels. However, it is still in development. Data may fluctuate as Instagram perfects these new changes.
To see reels, add the dimension Media Product Type to your chart with metrics Likes Lifetime, Comments Lifetime, and Total Interactions Lifetime.

Reels API Limitations 

  1. When reporting reels, use Plays in place of Video Views.
  2. Engagement data is not available for reels.

Stories Reporting

Duplicate Stories

Data for Instagram Stories is a lifetime value. If you use the Date field in a report with Stories, the report will return all appearances of the Story and may return duplicate values. Instead, use the Timestamp field. This will omit the duplicate values and report each Story only once.


Many of Instagram's Insight key metrics are lifetime and cannot be backfilled. We will begin gathering data for these metrics from the first time you create a report, so make sure to include today in your reporting range.

These metrics are lifetime:
  1. Followers by City (key and value)
  2. Followers by Country (key and value)
  3. Followers by Gender Age (key and value)
  4. Followers by Locale (key and value)
Non-lifetime metrics can be backfilled up to 1 year.

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