Instagram Insights Reach and Engagement Numbers Do Not Match

Instagram Insights Reach and Engagement Numbers Do Not Match

This article will help you troubleshoot reach and engagement data that does not match in your Instagram Insights report.

Note: The Engagement metric is deprecated as of January 2024.


If you are comparing to Meta Business Suite:

Instagram's API has limitations on the reach and engagement data that is reported. While the Meta UI for Instagram Insight reports reach and engagement numbers that are both paid and organic, the API will only provide reach and engagement numbers that are organic. This is a limitation of Instagram's API. For this reason, your PMA reports on Instagram Insights will only display organic reach and engagement data.

If you are comparing to Instagram Insights:

PMA's Reach numbers are a total of the daily sums, which does not exclude repeat visitors. The Instagram Insights API does not send accurate numbers for this field and Meta has indicated this will not be changed.

Find more information on these API limitations in our Instagram Insights Data Connector User Guide.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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