LinkedIn Ads Data Connector User Guide

LinkedIn Ads Data Connector User Guide

The following article is a guide to automating reports with your LinkedIn Ads connector. It includes information on available data as well as currently unavailable data and tips on how to get the most out of your LinkedIn Ads reports. To begin creating reports with your LinkedIn Ads connector, you will need at least one LinkedIn Ads account as well as access to Looker Studio or Google Sheets.

Available Data

  1. Key Performance Indicators - Impressions, clicks, key results, spend, and cost per result among others.
  2. Member Demographics - Detailed breakdowns by company, company size, country, county, industry, job function, job title, region, and seniority.
    1. A note on demographics: LinkedIn provides estimates for the individual demographic breakouts to protect member data
  3. Campaign breakdowns - Conversions, performance, delivery, engagement, video, and budget.
  4. Lead Gen performance
  5. Geographical breakdowns
  6. Complete List of Fields.

API Limitations

  1. Demographic data delay - Demographic data is delayed by up to 48 hours.
  2. Conversions by conversion name - At the campaign or ad level.
  3. Event Registrations - The LinkedIn Ads API currently does not support Registrations. LinkedIn intends to add this field to future releases.
  4. Rate Limit - Charts with more than 15,000 rows may load slowly or receive errors as they exceed the API's rate limit.
  5. Date range - The LinkedIn Ads API cannot report Reach and Average Frequency for more than 92 days. Reports with a date range of more than 92 days will return an incorrect value of 0. Learn more about this API limitation and how to update your reports. 
  6. Reach - Reach is being developed by LinkedIn Ads and is not guaranteed to match the UI exactly.
  7. Custom fields - Custom fields are not available.
  8. Video thumbnails - Thumbnails are not available for video ads.
  9. Carousel thumbnails - Thumbnails are not available for carousel posts.
  10. Six-month limitation on daily data granularity - For time frames that are longer than 6 months, daily data is not retained. The entire month of data will be reported for each month beyond six months regardless of the date chosen.
  11. Demographic reports have several limitations in order to protect user privacy:
    1. Age and device type demographics are not reported.
    2. Demographic values with fewer than 3 events will not be reported.
    3. Demographics cannot be reported with carousel metrics.
    4. Only the top 100 demographic values for each creative will be reported for each day.
    5. The following metrics cannot be combined with demographic dimensions: Card Clicks, Card Impressions, Viral Card Clicks, and Viral Card Impressions. See the Schema Explorer for more information.

Connection Requirements

An account with Viewer access is required for a successful connection. To grant Viewer access to an account, go to your ad account and click Add people.

Find the account you want to add and click Assign role

Select the Viewer role and click Add.


Power My Analytics initially backfills 13 months of data when you first create a report. Run a manual backfill to access up to 2 years of data.


Follow the instructions in our Basic Troubleshooting guide to get your reports working again.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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