LinkedIn Companies Data Connector User Guide

LinkedIn Companies Data Connector User Guide

Our LinkedIn Companies connector provides a wide range of important data that can make reporting easy. This article will tell you everything that you need to know about how to get the most out of your LinkedIn Companies reports.

Available Data

  1. Visitor Analytics - Page views (home page and all pages), unique visitors, and clicks. Visitor count is based on the selected date range.
  2. Follower Analytics - Breakdowns by organic and sponsored. Followers is a lifetime metric.
  3. Device Type Breakdowns - Visitors and page views broken down by mobile or desktop.
  4. Visitor and Follower Demographics - Geographical location, job function, seniority, industry, and company size.
  5. Update Engagement - Clicks, views, reactions, comments, and shares. Update images are also available for the report from the API.
  6. Complete List of Fields.

API Limitations

  1. Total Follower is a lifetime field and cannot be backfilled. New Followers gives daily data and can be backfilled.
  2. LinkedIn Companies' API has a 2 day reporting delay. Reports that include today or yesterday in the time frame may include numbers that are not finalized.
  3. Brand page data is exclusively lifetime. We have submitted a request to LinkedIn for daily data but have not yet received a response.
  4. Interactions from companies are not included in Reactions and Comments.
  5. Deleted likes and comments will not be removed from Reactions and Comments totals.
  6. Target Audience is not available for posts.
  7. Sponsored clicks and impressions are only available on LinkedIn Ads.
  8. Image preview is not available for videos.
  9. Realtime data is not available.
  10. Reporting on LinkedIn personal pages is not available.
  11. Period Page reports will only return data that is at least 48 hours old. This is a limitation of LinkedIn's API. 
  12. Custom fields are not available.

Connection Requirements

An account with Super Admin access is required for a successful connection. To grant Super Admin access to an account, go to your page and click Admin tools. Under Settings, click Manage admins.

Go to Page admin or Paid media admins and click Add admin. Find the user you'd like to add. Grant them the Super admin role and click Save changes.

How to Use [collection] Fields

Every field with [collection] at the end of it is a Key/Value pair. A Key dimension can only be paired with its matching Value metric to create a table.

Adding a key or value to a table with another metric or dimension will result in error.


Follow the instructions in our Basic Troubleshooting guide to get your reports working again.

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    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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