Reach And/or Frequency Not Working in Pinterest Ads Report
This article will address errors in Pinterest Ads reports that include Reach and Frequency.
Reach or Frequency data may be incorrect when the report covers a time frame of more than 185 days (approximately 6 months).
Reach and Frequency are live metrics.
Pinterest's API does not supply accurate data for time periods longer than 185 days, so the number that appears will be a sum of multiple requests.
Set reports containing Reach or Frequency to cover fewer than 185 days or 6 months.
If the numbers are still inaccurate, please send us a ticket at the link below.
Please include:
A link to your report with edit-level access granted to
The page number where the error occurs in your report.
A screenshot of your Pinterest analytics showing different data.
We will respond as soon as possible.
Still having issues?
Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.