Why Does PMA Request Permission to Access My Account?

Why Does PMA Request Permission to Access My Account?

When you first connect a data source with Power My Analytics, you'll be prompted to authorize permissions for PMA to access your account. Customers often want to know why access to their entire account is necessary just to read data from a source.

We will never send data to your account or otherwise alter or modify your account. This authorization is a minimum requirement imposed on PMA's connectors by the data source being used, such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon, in order to enable any access to data. This means it is Google, Facebook, Amazon or other data sources who have determined that they need access to your entire account before providing even limited data in a read-only form to your connectors with PMA.

What Can I Do?

Unfortunately, these and other data sources do not currently provide another option for PMA and our customers. We have worked to address this issue with data providers, and we have informed them that our customers would prefer to be able to use more restrictive data access settings that do not permit full account access. PMA continues to emphasize the importance of our customers' privacy and security to our data source partners.

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