How do I manage team members in my hub?

Manage Team Roles and Permissions

As a Hub owner, you may want to add team members as editors or billing managers to delegate roles and provide access. This article will show you where to find the tools you need to manage your team. Team members are users who authenticate and connect data source accounts to Power My Analytics. They also configure data destination integrations and have access to tools for backfilling data, managing billing, and all other account functions.

Table of Contents:

Choosing Team Members

Our Agency and Enterprise plans allow for unlimited team members. However, our Single, Business, and Pro plans charge per team member, so you'll want to be sure you're adding only who you need.

All team members of a hub will have permission to access all of the connected data sources, reports, and exports. This is by design.

Which actions do require Membership in a Power My Analytics hub?

  1. Adding and removing connectors
  2. Backfilling data
  3. Adding and removing team members
  4. Managing team members' permissions and responsibilities
  5. Pausing or resuming a subscription
  6. Canceling or re-activating a subscription
  7. Receiving billing communications
  8. Adding and removing billing information

Which actions do not require Membership in a Power My Analytics hub?

  1. Editing marketing reports (Looker Studio, Google Sheets, or Microsoft Excel reports' permissions can be edited directly)

How to Invite Team Members

Go to your Hub. Click on your hub's name at the top right corner and select Members.

Click Invite Member. Enter their email address.

The member you add must be using a Gmail or Google Workspace managed email address.

Click the Invite Member button. The new team member will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation.

When they click the link, they will be guided to your hub. They should click the bell icon in the upper right corner and follow the notification to a page where they can accept or decline the invitation.

How to Manage Access and Permissions

How to Edit Hub Security 

Click on your hub name and select Settings.

In the Hub Security section, you will find switches to toggle permissions for members of your hub. You can allow other members of your hub to have all of the same permissions an owner has, or you can limit their ability to pause/cancel or see the billing information.

Edit Billing Contacts

Click on your hub's name at the top right corner and select Members.

The Hub Owner alone can set or remove Billing Contacts. Check the boxes to select any or all of the team members to be the Billing Contact. Billing Contacts will receive all payment and billing emails and can edit your billing method.

Change the Ownership of the Hub or Remove a Team Member

Click on the gear icon and choose Promote to Owner or Remove Member.

How to Set a Default Hub

If you are an Owner or Member in many hubs, you can designate a default hub to manage them more easily. 

1. Click on your hub name at the top right, then select Settings.

2. Click the menu next to Default Hub. A list of your hubs will appear. Select the hub you want to use as a default hub.

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