Understanding Changes to Facebook and Instagram Ads Attribution with iOS14 and Above.
New privacy regulations have presented challenges for attribution tracking. In response, Facebook has made a lot of changes to keep pace with Apple's iOS14 and above. This article will help you understand what you need to know to get the most out of your Facebook and Instagram Ads reports.
What is different?
On April 26, 2021, Facebook updated their attribution capabilities to compensate for changes in Apple's iOS14.
Facebook users are now required to opt-in to tracking. Very few have opted in. Facebook is now transitioning to SKAdNetwork reporting, which tracks events and allows marketers to track attribution without the now-hidden device information.
What is SKAdNetwork?
Store Kit Ad Network is Apple's new method of attribution tracking. It allows users to hide a lot of their personal data from the apps they are using while gathering other kinds of useful tracking data.
How will this affect my reports?
Because SKAdNetwork does not gather demographic or device data, Facebook Ads cannot collect as much data from SKAdNetwork Ad campaigns. Combining pre-SKAdNetwork data with post-SKAdNetwork data can produce gaps in data.
- Facebook no longer provides sums for ad campaigns with multiple attribution settings, so you may see Missing Sums on Facebook Ads Campaign Reports.
- Combining data from pre-iOS14 and post-iOS14 campaigns may result in Zero or Null Values in Facebook Ads Reports.
- Facebook no longer allows aggregating data across attribution windows and Results fields will no longer work.
- Breakdown reports are no longer available due to new Restrictions for Off-Facebook Action Metrics.
- Facebook no longer provides demographic data at the Campaign level. It is only available at the Account level. Demographic breakouts by Campaign, Ad Set, and Ad are no longer supported.
What is Power My Analytics doing to keep up?
Power My Analytics will always do as much as we can to help you to get the best reports out of your data. We are continuously updating our connectors to do just that. We have recently added a new option to the connector configuration page. This will help with the aggregation of pre-iOS14 and post-iOS14 data.
Still having issues?
Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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