There are several reasons you might see different numbers when comparing the Amazon Seller connector with Amazon's reports. This article will help you troubleshoot reports that show different numbers from Amazon's in-house reporting.
Minimizing Differences between Amazon UI and API Values
Amazon Seller's API reports values that differ from the values in Amazon UI, and this can be as small as a 1% difference. For example, the UI may report 3,000 orders, while the API could report 30 more or fewer orders.
This difference will be smaller and typically below 5% when using longer date ranges, but the difference may become larger for shorter ranges, such as when comparing daily figures.
Different Order Statuses
The Amazon Seller API reports all sales, including those with “Pending” order status, but their in-house reporting does not. Selecting for different order statuses is the most common cause of misaligned reports.
Use the optional order status filter in the connector configuration screen to remove order statuses that you do not wish to see.
Time Zone Mismatch
The API sends reports using GMT for all Regions (North America, EU, Far East).
Amazon's in-house reports use either PST for North America (US, Canada, Mexico) or MET for Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc.)
Currency Mismatch
In the North American region, sales cannot be summed together without first being filtered by marketplace. This is because Mexican Pesos and Canadian Dollars cannot be converted and summed within Looker Studio. This is a limitation of Looker Studio.
In the connector configuration screen, you can choose any country's currency symbol. This will only affect the currency symbol displayed. It will not convert the values.
In this example, all amounts are shown with a dollar sign ($) currency symbol, but the values shown are in local currency. As displayed, it is incorrect.
To get correct results, apply a Marketplace filter.
Then edit the field to display the correct currency symbol. This will only affect the symbol and will not change the value shown.
Non-Amazon Orders Included
The API offers MCF order reports. They will be labeled Non-Amazon. You can filter out these orders to align with Amazon's in-house reports by deselecting Non-Amazon in the Marketplace filters.
Order Date Mismatch
Most of the reports in Amazon use the "Shipped Date" as the date reported. Our connector uses the date the order was placed. This can have a big impact on reporting because the difference between the order date and the shipped date can be several days.
The Amazon API we use is used by shipping solutions and is focused on the order date. There are not presently APIs available to re-create the Amazon Finance reports.
API data will most closely align with the Sales Dashboard in the Business Reports section in Amazon.
API data does not align with the "Sales and Orders by Month" report.
Data Not Filtered by Marketplace
In Looker Studio, add Marketplace to the dimensions in your table.
In Excel or Google Sheets, add Marketplace as a dimension.
Create a Marketplace filter for your query.