Community Connector Error: Authorization Error - (#10) Application Does Not Have Permission for This Action

Community Connector Error: Authorization Error - (#10) Application Does Not Have Permission for This Action

This article will address the following error:

Authorization Error - (#10) Application does not have permission for this action.


The Instagram Insights account in use does not have the appropriate permissions to connect via Power My Analytics.


Check Permissions

For a successful connection, an Instagram Business or Creator account is required. The account must use Facebook authentication and not have age or other restrictions applied. The account must be linked to an active Facebook Page.

Reconnect Your Account

Reset Business Integration Settings in Facebook

Log in to the Facebook account associated with the Instagram account that is receiving the error. Go to your Business Integrations page. Find Power My Analytics and click Remove.

Reconnect your Instagram account with Power My Analytics in your destination or Hub.

Check Whether Your Page is Active

A Facebook page that has been unpublished or deactivated for any reason will need to be reactivated to create a successful connection. If the page does not appear in the Pages menu, it may have been unpublished.

Reconnect Facebook and Instagram

While logged in to the Facebook account attached to the Instagram account, click Pages in the left menu. 

Select your page. Click on your profile picture and select Settings and Privacy from the menu that appears.

Click Settings.

Click Disconnect Account.

When you are ready, connect the account again.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

If the Facebook Page to which the Instagram account is linked has two-factor authentication, then your Facebook profile must also have two-factor authentication for a successful connection.

You can enable two-factor authentication in the Security and Login section of your account settings.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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