How to Filter Out Deleted Deals in Hubspot

How to Filter Out Deleted Deals in Hubspot

An API limitation in Hubspot makes it impossible to remove deleted deals from your data set. Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to filter out deals that you no longer want in your reports.

Data Studio

Select a chart that contains the field Deal ID. Click Add a Filter.

Click Create a Filter.

Name the filter something you can remember, like "deleted deals." Choose Exclude > Deal ID > Equal to (=) > (Deal ID number).
If you need to exclude more than one Deal ID number, click OR.

Each Deal ID number must be added separately. Click Save when you have added all of your deleted Deal ID numbers.

The filter must be applied to each chart that includes the Deal ID field.

Google Sheets or Excel

Select Filter on the Power My Analytics sidebar and complete the form as follows:
  1. Method: Exclude data.
  2. And/Or: Or.
  3. Description: Type something you can remember. In this example, I used the Deal ID number I will exclude.
  4. Select field: Deal ID.
  5. Comparison Operator: Equal to.
  6. Comparison value: Enter the Deal ID number you wish to exclude.

Each Deal ID number must be added separately. Click Set Conditions when you have added all of your deleted Deal ID numbers.

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