HubSpot Data Connector User Guide

HubSpot Data Connector User Guide

The following article is a guide for automating reports with your HubSpot connector. It includes metrics available and how to connect, backfill, and blend your HubSpot data. To create a HubSpot report, you will need access to at least one or more HubSpot accounts as well as Looker Studio, Google Sheets or Excel.

Available Data

  1. Overview - Leads, visits, subscribers, and contacts. Top lead sources, top campaigns by sends, and visits by country.
  2. Lists - Size by name, list size by list name, list ID and list type.
  3. Campaign Performance - Emails sent, delivered, opens, clicks, bounce rate, spam reported, and spam report rate by campaign name.
  4. Geo Reporting - Geo visits by country and geo visitors by country.
  5. Contacts Performance - Email Engagement - Emails delivered, email clicks, email opens, and email bounces by lead date.
  6. Contacts Performance - Source & Stage - Contacts by lifecycle stage, contacts by original source, contacts by original source drilldown 1, and contacts by original source drilldown 2. Contacts by lifecycle stage, original source, original source drill-down 1 and original source drill-down 2.
  7. Deals Performance - New deals created, amount, and closed deal amount. Deal amount and closed deal amount by deal name, deal stage, close date, deal owner, and deal type.
  8. Forms Performance - Form submissions by date. Views, submissions, and submission rate by form ID, form name, and form type.
  9. Landing Page Performance - Views, total submissions, new contacts, view to submission rate, view to contact rate, and bounce rate by landing page and publish date.
  10. Pages Performance - Page views, CTA clicks, average time on page, bounce rate, and CTA rate by page.
  11. Lead Source Reporting - Visits by date with breakdown by source. Visits, contacts, contacts/pageview, contact to customer %, customers, and customers/pageview by source.
  12. Social Media - Channels & Sessions - Clicks by channel. Published posts by channel. Visits by date with breakdown by source.
  13. Social Media - New Contacts & Posts - Contacts by date with breakdown by source. Clicks by published and post.
  14. UTM Campaign Reporting - Visits by UTM campaign. Visits, contacts, customers, bounce rate, new visitor session rate, pageviews per session, average time per session (seconds) by UTM campaign.
  15. UTM Source Reporting - Visits by UTM source. Visits, contacts, customers, bounce rate, new visitor session rate, pageviews per session, average time per session (seconds) by UTM source.
  16. UTM Content Reporting - Visits by UTM content. Visits, contacts, customers, bounce rate, new visitor session rate, pageviews per session, average time per session (seconds) by UTM content.
  17. UTM Medium Reporting - Visits by UTM medium. Visits, contacts, customers, bounce rate, new visitor session rate, pageviews per session, average time per session (seconds) by UTM medium.
  18. UTM Term Reporting - Visits by UTM term. Visits, contacts, customers, bounce rate, new visitor session rate, pageviews per session, average time per session (seconds) by UTM term.
  19. Tickets Performance - Count by ticket source. Count by ticket stage.
  20. Total Revenue By Original Source - Total revenue by original source.
  21. Custom fields - Custom fields are available for companies, contacts, deals, and tickets. If you do not see your custom fields, or have recently created new ones, reconnect the HubSpot data source for the report to update them.
  22. Custom objects.
  23. Complete List of Fields.

Selecting Stage of Lifecycle for Contact Dates

When connecting to HubSpot, select a stage of the customer lifecycle for your contact dates to be based on. You can also allow this to be modified in your reports by selecting the checkbox on the connector configuration page.

API Limitations

  1. Total records limit - HubSpot's API can only return up to 10,000 records.
  2. Historical campaign performance data - Campaign performance metrics are lifetime totals and are collected starting from the first day of your trial. If you select a start date before your trial began, you may experience loading issues or errors.
  3. Total revenue by original source - For this report to work, it must include the filter "Filter For Total Revenue By Original Source".
  4. Deals that have been deleted - Deleted deals will continue to appear in your reports. If you need to filter them out, see this article for help: How to Filter Out Deleted Deals in Hubspot.
  5. Contacts report and Deals report cannot be joined - Contacts and Deals reports cannot be joined on a field, because HubSpot's API does not provide a field shared by both reports. 
    1. Several fields related to contact information can be added to a Deals report:
      1. Latest Source Contact
      2. Original Source Type
      3. Number of Associated Contacts
    2. These fields related to deals can be added to a Contacts report:
      1. First Deal Created Date
      2. Number of Associated Deals
      3. Recent Deal Amount
      4. Recent Deal Close Date
      5. Total Revenue
  6. Setting up custom features with Professional Services - If you require a report with Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Lead Generation, ROI, or Revenue vs. Spend, please set an appointment with our Professional Services Team and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.

Connection Requirements

Connecting to HubSpot is an involved process. See our How to Connect to HubSpot guide for help.

Check your HubSpot Plan

Certain reports will run only for certain HubSpot plans. Supported plans: 
  1. Geo - Marketing Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise, or HubSpot CMS
  2. Sources - Marketing Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise, or HubSpot CMS
  3. Landing_pages - Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise, or HubSpot CMS
  4. Emails_stats - Marketing Professional, or Enterprise

Backfilling Capabilities

  1. We begin backfilling from the first time you create a report with us.
  2. Entities such as contacts, deals, companies, line_items and tickets can be backfilled up to 2 years.
  3. Analytics such as utm_campaign, utm_source, utm_medium, utm_content, utm_term, forms, forms_daily, pages, and landing_pages are live data only.
  4. Lifetime fields cannot be backfilled.


Follow the instructions in our Basic Troubleshooting guide to get your reports working again.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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