Pinterest Ads Data Connector User Guide

Pinterest Ads Data Connector User Guide

The following article is a guide to automating reports with your Pinterest Ads connector. It includes information on available data as well as currently unavailable data and tips on how to get the most out of your Pinterest Ads reports. To begin creating reports with your Pinterest Ads connector, you will need at least one Pinterest Ads account as well as access to Looker Studio or Google Sheets.

Available Data

  1. Key Performance Indicators - Spend, impressions, clicks, saves, cost per thousand impressions (CPM), expected clickthrough rate (eCTR), videos watched, and conversion value.
  2. Campaign Breakdowns - Spend, impressions, CPM, CTR, pin clicks, and outbound clicks on running and completed campaigns.
  3. Ad Group Breakdowns Spend, impressions, CPM, CTR, pin clicks, and outbound clicks on running and completed ad groups.
  4. Ad Breakdowns Spend, impressions, CPM, CTR, pin clicks, and outbound clicks on approved and paused ads.
  5. Complete List of Fields.

Coming Soon

  1. Age dimensions
  2. Gender dimensions
  3. Reporting by country

API Limitations

  1. Pinterest Ads' API will only send data for Reach and Frequency for the last 185 days (6 months). Requests for longer time periods will return inaccurate results.
  2. Pinterest only refreshes at midnight UTC. This cannot be adjusted for your local time zone.
  3. Custom fields are not available.

Connection Requirements

Your Pinterest account must have at least Ad account Admin or Campaign access. To grant a user Ad account Admin or Campaign access, go to Pinterest Business Manager and click on Employees. Select Add employees and enter the user's email address. Then select Ad account admin or Campaign, and click Assign permissions.

How To Connect

The connector configuration screen for Pinterest Ads includes all of the same 21 options for conversion windows that are available in the Pinterest Ads UI. Select Allow "Conversion window [days after click / days after engage / days after view)" to be modified in reports to modify conversion window options within charts.

The connector configuration screen for Pinterest Ads.

There are 2 options for conversion date for daily reporting and they are the same as the options available in the Pinterest Ads UI. Select Allow Conversion date for daily reporting to be modified in reports to modify conversion date options within charts.

The options for conversion date in the Pinterest Ads connector configuration.


Power My Analytics will initially backfill 12 months of data when you first create a report. To access up to 18 months of data, run a backfill from your Hub . We will save your data starting from when you create your report. You can collect up to 2 years of data over time.


For problems with Reach and/or Frequency, see this article. For all other concerns, follow the instructions in our Basic Troubleshooting guide to get your reports working again.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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