Instagram Ads Data Connector User Guide

Instagram Ads Data Connector User Guide

The following article is a guide for automating reports with your Instagram Ads connector. It includes metrics available and instructions for how to connect, use, and backfill your Instagram Ads data. To create an Instagram Ads report, you will need at least one Instagram Ads account and access to Google Sheets or Looker Studio.

Available Data

  1. Key Performance Indicators - including reach, spend, impressions, and clicks
  2. Amount Spent - breakouts by age, gender, and location
  3. Purchases - by Impressions, clicks, and spend
  4. Campaign performance - by KPIs
  5. Engagement metrics - ads, videos, and apps
  6. Pixel Events - lead generation and live
  7. Ad Set Performance - by KPI
  8. Ad Engagement - broken down by likes, clicks, reacts, comments, saves, and shares
  9. Video Engagement - broken down by plays, cost, and portion viewed
  10. App Engagement - with cost per mobile and desktop install
  11. Pixel Event Data - eCommerce and lead generation
  12. Hourly data - pixels, impressions, and amount spent
  13. Revenue by region when UTM parameters are applied and data is exported to Google Analytics
  14. Spend vs. revenue - when UTM parameters are applied and data is exported to Google Analytics
  15. Complete List of Fields.

API Limitations

Facebook provides a comprehensive list of the types of demographic information are no longer available following App Tracking Transparency requirements in iOS14.
  1. Purchase breakouts - by device and publisher platform
  2. Offsite metrics
  3. Daily sums for Reach and other "unique" metrics - reach and other metrics beginning with the prefix "unique" are live metrics and cannot be used in daily sums
  4. Conversions by Country - no longer available following the iOS14 update
  5. 37 month lifetime limit - Lifetime metrics reflect only 37 months of data. 
  6. Custom fields - Custom fields are not available.

Connection Requirements

Your Facebook account must have Ad Analyst access for a successful connection.

The first time you connect

To add the correct Instagram account, you must be logged into that account in your browser. Open an Incognito window in your browser to log into the correct Instagram account before connecting with Power My Analytics.

Connector Configuration

In the connector configuration screen for Instagram Ads, you are able to select several different attribution options. 

You can choose between Ad Set (Default) or AccountAccount refers to outdated settings that were removed as of January 19, 2022. However, some of our customers still use this setting to bypass the Ad Set attribution settings and default all Ad Sets to 7 day click, 1 day view. This can be a useful setting to use if you are having difficulty with Zero or Null Values in Instagram Ads Reports.

Your next option is "Is Campaign using SKAd Network?" SKAd Network is the default type of attribution that Facebook uses following the iOS14 update that occurred on April 26, 2021. This defaults to Get All Campaigns. You can also choose Yes and get only campaigns that use SKAd Network or No and get only campaigns that do not. 

Finally, you may also choose whether to allow Action Attribution Setting to be modified and whether campaign is using SKAd network to be modified. Choosing these options will allow for more flexibility within your report. However, if you are blending data with several sources, it will not work. Whatever settings you have chosen in the configuration screen will apply regardless of selecting these options when blending.


We initially backfill 13 months of data when you first create a report. With Facebook's API, it is possible to backfill up to two years of data.

Get the most from your Facebook Ads connector

Use our free template

Facebook's API is constantly changing. We always update our templates so that our customers can have easy to use, working reports. You can easily copy reports from our templates, or change the color schemes and add your logo to showcase your brand.

Create breakdowns by Objective

This feature is available in Facebook Ads Manager but not in the API. Here is a workaround that you can use.

Create a filter on your table. Choose Include > Campaign ID (ad sets, campaign insights, campaigns, insights) > RegExp Match.

Get more geo and cost data with Google Analytics

Add UTM parameters to the URLs in your ads, then export to Google Analytics from your Hub. There is no additional cost to use this feature.

With Google Analytics and appropriately applied UTM parameters, you can get revenue by region and spend versus revenue reports.
  1. Use utm_source and utm_medium to report at the account level.
  2. Use utm_campaign to get campaign-level reporting by region.
  3. Use utm_content to report at the Ad Set level by region.
Google Analytics offers URL builders to assist with using the best UTM tags for your needs.


Follow the instructions in our Troubleshooting Instagram guide to get your reports working again.

    Still having issues?
    Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.
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