What Seed Should I Use in Sample Data?

What Seed Should I Use in Sample Data?

When using Sample Data in Power My Analytics, one frequently asked question is about the 'Seed' value. 'Seed' is an optional parameter users can enter to generate a consistent set of Sample Data.

What is a 'Seed' in Sample Data?

In the context of Sample Data, a 'Seed' is a unique number entered by the user to generate a consistent set of Sample Data. This means that every time you generate Sample Data with the same seed number, you will receive the same set of Sample Data.

How do I choose a Seed number?

Choosing a Seed number depends on your specific needs. The important thing to remember is that the same Seed number will always generate the same set of Sample Data.

If you want to maintain consistency in your reports, templates, or educational materials, you might choose to use the same Seed number each time you generate Sample Data. This could be any number that is easy for you to remember or refer back to.

If you want different sets of Sample Data each time, you would choose a different Seed number each time you generate the Sample Data. This will provide you with a varied set of data for your purposes.

Can I change my Seed number?

Select "Allow Seed (optional) to be modified in reports" in the configuration step to have the option to change the seed in individual charts. 

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